Police end search for Jay Slater but the investigation remains open

Published on June 30, 2024
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
search rescue tenerife

Guardia Civil has concluded the search operation for Jay Slater, a British national who went missing in Tenerife on June 17th, although all lines of investigation related to the case remain open.

Guardia Civil ended the operation to locate Slater after an unsuccessful search that included agents, helicopters, drones, and specialized search dogs from the Civil Guard's Canine Service, which were brought in from Madrid.

Yesterday, around thirty people participated in a massive search organized by the Civil Guard in the area of Masca, in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte. This was done after requesting the collaboration of all volunteer associations and experts familiar with the rough terrain. Masca is a rocky area full of elevations, ravines, trails, and paths.

Given that Masca is an area characterized by its rough, rocky terrain, with numerous elevations, ravines, trails, and paths, the Civil Guard requested the collaboration of all volunteer associations, such as Civil Protection or Firefighters, that can assist in this planned and coordinated search effort.

The starting point for yesterday's search was set at the Mirador de la Cruz de Hilda (Masca), with the aim of conducting a logical and orderly search that continued until sunset.

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