Liverpool flight heading to Tenerife makes emergency landing due to conflictive passenger

Published on July 05, 2024
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
holiday news canary islands

A flight from Liverpool, United Kingdom, bound for Tenerife South had to make an emergency landing due to a mid-air altercation with an unruly passenger.

Despite the crew's best efforts to calm the situation, it was necessary to coordinate with airport authorities to ensure police presence upon arrival.

The incident forced the aircraft to divert to Santiago Airport. Air traffic controllers facilitated a continuous descent and direct priority approach to Santiago, as reported on their 'X' profile.

In addition to police intervention, medical personnel were also arranged to be on-site upon the plane's arrival to address any potential medical needs. This swift response ensured the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew members on board.

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