Guardia Civil Rescues One-Year-Old Baby Trapped Inside Car in Fuerteventura

Published on June 29, 2024
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
guardia civil saves-baby from car fuerteventura

A one-year-old baby was locked inside a vehicle in the south of Fuerteventura, with the keys inside and the windows rolled up.

The Guardia Civil in Morro Jable (Fuerteventura) came to the aid of a one-year-old baby who was trapped inside a vehicle on Wednesday, June 26. The keys were inside the car and the windows were completely closed.

According to the Guardia Civil, the incident occurred on Avenida Saladar de Jandía. Citizens alerted the authorities, explaining that a baby was trapped inside the car after it locked itself with the keys inside.

Upon arriving at the scene, the patrol assessed the situation. Considering the high temperature and the fact that all windows were closed, leaving no ventilation for the baby who had been inside for about 20 minutes, they decided to break one of the windows.

Fortunately, the baby was in good health and did not require medical assistance. The child was handed over to the parents, who are on holiday in Fuerteventura.

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