Canary Islands Attract Over 6.4 Million Tourists by May

Published on July 04, 2024
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
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Until May, the Canary Islands welcomed 6,493,340 tourists, marking a 10.68% increase compared to the previous year. The total tourist expenditure reached 9 billion euros, according to the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

In May alone, the islands received 1,037,701 tourists, a 7.06% rise from the previous month. Tourists spent a total of 1.456 billion euros, which is a 14.7% increase from April.

On average, each tourist in the Canary Islands spent 1,403 euros in May, which is 7.1% more than before. Daily spending averaged 189 euros, up by 12.4%. However, the average stay was 7.4 days, slightly shorter by 4.73% compared to the previous period.

Nationally, Spain is heading towards a record-breaking tourist season, with over 33 million international visitors by May, up by 13.6% from the same period in 2023. These tourists spent over 43.2 billion euros, a 21.8% increase from the first five months of 2023.

The UK remains the largest source of tourists in Spain, with over 6.3 million visitors between January and May, a 10.6% increase. France follows with 4.42 million tourists (up by 13.2%), and Germany with 4.41 million (up by 14.7%). The Belgian market saw significant growth at 20.3%, and Ireland also saw a notable increase of nearly 19%.

In May alone, Spain received 9.3 million international tourists, an 11.5% rise from May 2023. These visitors spent 11.687 billion euros, a 19.7% increase from the same month last year.

"Spain continues to be a top destination for international tourists, as shown by the rising number of visitors this May. The most notable aspect is the increase in average spending per visitor, which is growing faster than inflation and helping to modernize, sustain, and improve the quality of employment in the sector," said Jordi Hereu, the Minister of Industry and Tourism.

The minister highlighted that in May, inland regions saw more tourist growth than Mediterranean areas and islands. "The government will keep working on sustainability, decentralization, and reducing seasonal tourism to keep Spain among the top choices for international tourists," Hereu emphasized.

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